Constructing Your Path
Ages: 15-18
Days Offered: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30am-2:30pm
Cost: $8,700 annually
Constructing Your Path is a two-day a week program that meets on both Tuesday and Thursday.
In CYP, we help empower teens to become the architects of their lives, as they build a solid and meaningful foundation before launching into their young adult journey. The teens manage their involvement in the program, communicate with facilitators, and take an increased ownership of their role in the life of the CA community, distinct from their parents. Content areas include social and environmental justice, lab sciences and testing hypotheses, mathematics that are tied to real world problem solving, world governments, economics, exposure to a diverse variety of great writers with an emphasis on Shakespeare, and academic writing.
Public speaking and the clear and respectful expression of ideas is critical at CA. During their teen years, youth have extensive opportunities to hone these skills through mock debate, Model UN, annual research projects, and regular presentation of project-based learning. Since the teens are preparing for adulthood, another aspect of the program is to develop life skills that will serve them well after graduation. From building resumes and participating in mock interviews to learning how to pay taxes, creating a life budget, and renting an apartment, teens are getting an education for the adult world that most high schools neglect.
Another unique aspect of the teen program is the annual overnight trip. Youth collectively choose a location, execute the necessary fundraising, and plan every aspect of the trip. This is the culminating event of the year that builds and deepens friendships while also providing exciting, new experiences for each young person. Interested teens will have the opportunity to participate in internships in the greater Philadelphia region, working in industries and with professionals whose work inspires them. CA helps to connect these teens with professionals in their field of interest.
The creative, collaborative culture at CA coupled with the applied academics makes the CA graduate not only college-ready but also uniquely poised to take the path they have been constructing for themselves since their earliest days, a path that leads to lifelong learning, community engagement, and fulfillment.
CYP teens are eligible to participate in our dual-enrollment partnership with Montgomery County Community College.